When Off the Shelf Isn't Good Enough.

Use BOT’s Custom Instructional Design Services
Outside Resources vs. Your Own?
The short answer is you need BOTH. Nobody does everything great and that includes the creation of education and training content. Book publishers, consultants, YouTube®, Lynda.com®, social media, etc.—all can be of some use to you when creating a learning program. But those third party sources can only give you generic content. To be truly effective, you need to include content that speaks directly to your audience and explains the things that are unique to what you do. And that requires Custom Instructional Design.
Always Focusing on the Learner
At the heart of what we do is the creation of custom eLearning content that provides a rich learner experience along with meeting sound learning objectives and metrics. Whether in an educational or business setting, our work utilizes top-tier technology and adheres to the best practices of learning and motivation design. Our Custom Instructional Design services include all of the following:
Business Use
Training employees and customers is not something that can be treated as an afterthought or be the first thing cut out when budgets get tight. In fact, an effective educational and training effort will save you money in the long run, through less employee mistakes and less customer dissatisfaction.
Moreover, just “going through the motions” when planning and crafting training material is a waste of time and money. You would be better off doing no training at all and just let the chips fall where they may.

In-House Trainer Led

In house trainer led is when you or someone at your business will be the point person for training staff. BOT will work with you to build the content you will need to run your training sessions, making it both engaging and complementary to the things you will do directly with your team.

This is great when you don’t have the time or tools to create content, but you want to have close contact with the people getting the training, almost as if in a school environment.

Complete Content Packages

Complete Content Packages are when BOT builds the total learning experience, including content, assessment, feedback mechanisms, tracking tools, and sets the training up for you to basically “click it and use it” as needed.

While this does take the direct interaction between you and your team out of the equation, there are times when this is useful, such as when under tight time constraints, or when you have information needing to get to such a large group of people that direct contact isn’t feasible.

You can use BOT to put together all of the following:

  • Employee onboarding modules
  • New Product and Service Programs
  • Compliance and Regulatory Training
  • Continuing Education Programs
  • Customer Service Programs
  • Needs Analysis and Assessment
Education Use
The need for improved engagement in the online learning experience is our number one priority when crafting eLearning content for educators. At BOT you can be confident that our many years of educational curriculum design experience will be pulled together for your projects.
BOT is experienced in crafting learning content for a diverse learner population, from adolescent to adult learner, as well as in both formal educational settings and more flexible, skills-based environments.
BOT aligns its work to the highest standards of learning and motivation theory including building work around Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy, modern interpretations of Carnegie Units, and well-documented Learning Outcomes.
BOT utilizes a fluid and dynamic workflow that allows for constant contact and review between all relevant parties including Administrators, SMEs, Instructors, Accrediting Agencies, Publishers, and Individual Content Producers
Assessment and Tracking
BOT has deep experience and understanding of crafting content that is not just engaging but also effective. We build out content with clear learning outcomes in place as well as proven testing and assessment methods agreed upon at the outset.

Not only does BOT have the tools to offer a variety of testing and measurement options, we can work directly with your stakeholders to develop standardized criteria within academic programs or at an institution-wide level.

Whether a corporate setting or an educational one, BOT’s custom content offers a variety of tracking options including:

  • SCORM 1.4
  • LMS Gradebook-Ready ZIP Packages
  • Hosted and Fully Managed Learning Portals with built-in employee/student tracking

Interested in our Custom Instructional Design Services?

Let’s talk more about it.